Underlying Modeling Theory

Modeling theories comprise a number of modelling techniques. Modelling techniques usually offer syntactic forms, in the end modelling languages, the meaning of which may be formalized by giving semantics to the syntactic forms. In addition to concrete syntax, abstract syntax may be described. Semantics may be formally given by mathematical constructs, mathematical elements, sets, relations, functions, predicates plus a logical calculus to derive logical properties from the syntactic forms. This is what we call abstract formal models. Concrete and abstract syntax and the corresponding abstract formal models together with a logical calculus form a modelling theory.

An abstract formal model (or in short “abstract model”) is a formal model without concrete syntax.

A modelling theory is provides a concept with a modelling language, whose models are formulated in some mathematical or logical way, that allow us to manipulate, transform, and reason about these models in semantically useful ways.

Model Based System Development

It is the ultimate goal of modelling techniques to describe properties of real life systems. The understanding of syntactic forms as well as their semantics as descriptions of properties of real life systems is called the pragmatics of the modelling theories.

Typically, a family of different modelling techniques are used to describe a set of views. In an approach to model based system development, a set of views is defined that are to be worked out in the course of system development. Typically, views may overlap and be in relationships to each other. This has to be reflected in the modeling theories, its models, and their mutual dependencies.

In the end, system modelling development frameworks define a number of views based on modelling theories that capture all aspects of system development. Typically, some of the modelling techniques are used in a number of views.

Model Oriented Description Techniques

For model oriented description techniques, we find similar structures as for modelling theories.

The concrete syntax of a modelling language is used to describe the concrete representation of the models and is used by humans to read, understand, and create models. The concrete syntax must be sufficiently formal to be processable by tools.

A model oriented description technique may have several concrete representations and therefore different forms of concrete syntax.

The abstract syntax of a modeling language contains the essential information of a model, disregarding all details of the concrete syntax that do not contribute to the model’s purpose. It is of particular interest for use by software tools and semantic definitions.

A model oriented description technique thus needs an abstract syntax. In for example SysML and UML, this is defined using metamodeling techniques.

A metamodel is a model describing the abstract syntax of a language. Metamodels are usually defined using a class diagram, a grammar, or a mathematical structure.

Class diagrams are well suited and precisely defined to define such an abstract syntax, but exhibit some challenges when defining semantics, and logical calculus for properties and reasoning. For that purpose, a mathematical structure, such as e.g. mathematical and logical descriptions of state machines are better suited.

Expressive Power

A highly relevant aspect is the expressive power of a description technique and the related modeling theory. There are many different aspects and properties of systems. In principle, we may talk about all of those by using natural language, however, rarely in sufficient precision. Modeling theories and formal description techniques are much more precise. However, they always address only a subset of the properties of systems. This defines their expressive power. Moreover, only pragmatics supports the interpretation of the descriptions in terms of properties of real world systems.

The SPES Approach

The SPES approach is based on a number of specific scientific modeling theories and calculi for the modeling of systems. Apart from meanwhile well-established ways of specifying and describing data structures, apart from general ideas of typing, in particular, strong typing, and the related calculi and formalisms, one of the key concepts of SPES is a specific notion of a system, being an interactive entity that operates and interacts concurrently with other systems including its context and users by exchanging messages over its interfaces.

In principle, there are a number of different possibilities to provide a fundamental scientific theory and framework for systems. Within SPES, the modeling technique Focus1 is used. We just give a brief overview on the concepts used in the theory. An in-depth description of the theory can be found in the literature.

The following essentials of the modeling approach are briefly outlined:

  • Untimed and timed Streams

  • System Specification

    • Syntactic Interfaces

    • Interface Behavior

  • System Composition and Decomposition

  • Refinement

    • Property Refinement

    • Representation Refinement

Streams. Focus is based on streams. Streams are finite or infinite sequences of messages where the considered sets of messages can take a broad range – from signals, simple messages to very complex ones such as data bases or screens and much more.

Within SPES two types of streams are studied:

  • time-free streams which are finite or infinite sequences of messages, and

  • time-dependent streams represented an infinite number of time intervals of equal length with finite sequences of messages in each time interval. Each interval is identified by a positive natural number.

System Specification, syntactic interfaces, interface behavior. Based on the ideas of streams the idea of a syntactic interface is specified. The syntactic interface of a system is given by a set of channels divided into two subsets, the set of input channels and the set of output channels. For each channel a data type is specified.

For a channel set a history associates a stream with each channel carrying messages of the specified type. The streams may be timed or untimed leading to timed or untimed histories. A behavior is represented by a function or a relation between the input and output histories.

Untimed behavior is represented in the deterministic case by prefix monotonic functions from untimed input and output histories or in the nondeterministic case by sets of such monotonic functions. For timed streams special rules for the time flow are used. Timed behaviors are represented by strongly causal and fully realizable relations. Basically, strong causality requires that output till time t+1 may only depend on input received till time t. Full realizability guarantees that there exists a set of strongly causal functions that represent the relation. In fact, this implies the existence of a strategy which produces for a given input history interval-by-interval an output history interval-by-interval which leads to infinite output histories that fulfill the relation. For untimed streams we work with prefix monotonicity, for timed streams strong causality, and full realizability. System are specified by interface assertions which are logical formulas with the channels as free, logical identifiers standing for streams.

System composition and decomposition. Prefix monotonic functions or fully realizable relations immediately guarantee the existence of fixpoints which is essential for defining the composition of systems including feedback loops and also to derive proof rules.

Systems are composed by linking their systems specifications. For system behaviors which in the case of untimed streams are represented by sets of monotonic functions or in the case of timed streams by specifications by fully realizable relations composition is straightforward. Systems are composed in terms of their syntactic interfaces. Systems are composable if the subset of their set of output channels of the systems to compose that match with input channels of the systems to compose fit together with respect to their types. This requires that for every input channel of one component that is identical to an output channel of another component their data types are identical.

Sets of composable systems specified by interface assertions are composed to composite systems specified by interface assertions being the result of the logical conjunction of the interface assertions of the systems to compose. Thus composition of system specifications is achieved by the conjunction of the specifications for the systems where the specification is written in terms of interface assertions that relate input and output streams. If the system specifications of the systems to compose are fully realizable then the specification of the composite system resulting by logical conjunction is fully realizable.

Refinement. A refinement derives a more detailed specification from a more abstract specification. A refinement thereby preserves certain properties of the abstract specification in the concrete specification. Thus, refinements introduce formal relationships between system specifications. For systems specifications two concepts of refinement are available.

Property Refinement. For a given system specification a property refinement is obtained by adding additional properties to the system specification such that a refined system specification is logically stronger. Therefore, for a refined system all the properties that are implied by the refined systems are also properties applied by the original system or – putting it the other way – all the properties of the original systems are implied by the refined system.

Representation Refinement. A more sophisticated form of refinement is representation refinement. Hereby we replace the input and output channels of the given system by different families of input and output channels. For representation refinement, there are relations required that relate the input histories of the original systems to the input histories of the refined system and relations that relate the output streams of the refined systems to those of the original system. In both cases, relations specify the representations of the original histories by refined ones. This way each behavior of the refined systems can be related to a behavior of the original systems in terms of these relations between the input and output histories. The system behaviors related that way are required to be in the property refinement relation.

  1. For Details on the FOCUS theory see Broy, M.: “A Logical Basis for Component-Oriented Software and Systems Engineering”, Springer, 2010. 

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